Friday, January 16, 2009

teacher vs student

ah Sim always tell me this

"day be a student
night be a teacher"

to descibe my day and night perfectly..

when I'm a teacher

good teaching method?
year 2 English

"Cikgu Kathy!!!"
she always so excited when see me XD
maybe I take care of her once when she fall sick
fall in love to me wahaha

my drawing
still in kindergarden level
I think so

year 1 BM

I love his eyebrows
not like me
small eyes ==

Kam Kam said she very gebo?

malay girl
pretty yer

your spec even thicker than mine -.-""

when I'm a student

so difficult for me find my lecture place
when I reach..
change place huh!!
have to find again..
sweat -.-lllll

lazy to sms Sim
so I just mms her
clever le hehe

taken when I was driving in my campus
in my car
1 hand hold stearing
1 hand hold handphone
don't learn me haha
careful when driving!!

I love this view
less car
more tree

rushing for my Physic tutorial
eat and think together
my engine almost burst that time

have to off my lap top for concentrate
forgive me if I always put away
studying meh~~
on-line because sometime sharing file with other =x

waiting for my life become
day be a daughter
night become a mommy

I want a baby!!!
envy lorr
see people's child so cute
when my turn..?